
Page 18-24
Θ The parameter α is known as the significance level. Typical values of α are
0.01, 0.05, 0.1, corresponding to confidence levels of 0.99, 0.95, and
0.90, respectively.
Confidence intervals for the population mean when the
population variance is known
Let X be the mean of a random sample of size n, drawn from an infinite
population with known standard deviation σ. The 100(1-α) % [i.e., 99%, 95%,
90%, etc.], central, two-sided confidence interval for the population mean μ is
⋅σ/n , X+z
⋅σ/n ), where z
is a standard normal variate that
is exceeded with a probability of α /2. The standard error of the sample
mean,X, is ⋅σ/n.
The one-sided upper and lower 100(1-α) % confidence limits for the population
mean μ are, respectively, X+z
⋅σ/n , and Xz
⋅σ/n . Thus, a lower, one-
sided, confidence interval is defined as (- , X+z
⋅σ/n), and an upper, one-
sided, confidence interval as (Xz
⋅σ/n,+). Notice that in these last two
intervals we use the value z
, rather than z
In general, the value z
in the standard normal distribution is defined as that
value of z whose probability of exceedence is k, i.e., Pr[Z>z
] = k, or Pr[Z<z
= 1 – k. The normal distribution was described in Chapter 17.
Confidence intervals for the population mean when the
population variance is unknown
Let X and S, respectively, be the mean and standard deviation of a random
sample of size n, drawn from an infinite population that follows the normal
distribution with unknown standard deviation σ. The 100(1−α) % [i.e., 99%,
95%, 90%, etc.] central two-sided confidence interval for the population mean
μ, is (X t
n-1, α/2
S /n , X+ t
n-1, α/2
S/n ), where t
n-1, α/2
is Student's t
variate with ν = n-1 degrees of freedom and probability α/2 of exceedence.
The one-sided upper and lower 100 (1-α) % confidence limits for the
population mean μ are, respectively,
X + t
n-1, α/2
S/n , and X t
n-1, α/2
S /n.