Page 22-18
« Start program
{PPAR EQ} PURGE Purge current PPAR and EQ
‘√r’ STEQ Store ‘√r’ into EQ
‘r’ INDEP Set independent variable to ‘r’
‘s’ DEPND Set dependent variable to ‘s’
FUNCTION Select FUNCTION as the plot type
{ (0.,0.) {.4 .2}
“Rs” “Sr” } AXES Set axes information
–1. 5. XRNG Set x range
–1. 5. YRNG Set y range
ERASE DRAW DRAX LABEL Erase & draw plot, axes, and labels
PICTURE » Recall graphics screen to stack
Store the program in variable PLOT1. To run it, press J, if needed, then
press @PLOT1.
Example 2 – A parametric plot
. Enter the following program:
«Start program
RAD {PPAR EQ} PURGE Change to radians, purge vars.
‘SIN(t)+i*SIN(2*t)’ STEQ Store ‘X(t)+iY(t)’ into EQ
{ t 0. 6.29} INDEP Set indep. variable to ‘r’, with range
‘Y’ DEPND Set dependent variable to ‘Y’
PARAMETRIC Select PARAMETRIC as the plot type
{ (0.,0.) {.5 .5} “X(t)”
“Y(t)” } AXES Set axes information
–2.2 2.2 XRNG Set x range
–1.1 1.1 YRNG Set y range
ERASE DRAW DRAX LABEL Erase & draw plot, axes, and labels
PICTURE Recall graphics screen to stack
» End program
Store the program in variable PLOT2. To run it, press J, if needed, then
press @PLOT2.