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In RPN mode this is accomplished by using {4,3} ` 1.5 \
` CON.
Function IDN
Function IDN (IDeNtity matrix) creates an identity matrix given its size. Recall
that an identity matrix has to be a square matrix, therefore, only one value is
required to describe it completely. For example, to create a 4×4 identity matrix
in ALG mode use:
You can also use an existing square matrix as the argument of function IDN,
The resulting identity matrix will have the same dimensions as the argument
matrix. Be aware that an attempt to use a rectangular (i.e., non-square) matrix
as the argument of IDN will produce an error.
In RPN mode, the two exercises shown above are created by using: 4`
IDN and @@@A@@@ IDN.
Function RDM
Function RDM (Re-DiMensioning) is used to re-write vectors and matrices as
matrices and vectors. The input to the function consists of the original vector or
matrix followed by a list of a single number, if converting to a vector, or two
numbers, if converting to a matrix. In the former case the number represents the