
Page 18-16
The DATA sub-menu
The DATA sub-menu contains functions used to manipulate the statistics matrix
The operation of these functions is as follows:
Σ+ : add row in level 1 to bottom of ΣDATA matrix.
Σ- : removes last row in ΣDATA matrix and places it in level of 1 of the stack.
The modified ΣDATA matrix remains in memory.
CLΣ : erases current ΣDATA matrix.
ΣDAT: places contents of current ΣDATA matrix in level 1 of the stack.
ΣDAT: stores matrix in level 1 of stack into ΣDATA matrix.
The ΣPAR sub-menu
The ΣPAR sub-menu contains functions used to modify statistical parameters.
The parameters shown correspond to the last example of data fitting.
The parameters shown in the display are:
Xcol: indicates column of ΣDATA representing x (Default: 1)
Ycol: indicates column of ΣDATA representing y (Default: 2)
Intercept: shows intercept of most recent data fitting (Default: 0)
Slope: shows slope of most recent data fitting (Default: 0)
Model: shows current data fit model (Default: LINFIT)
The functions listed in the soft menu keys operate as follows:
XCOL: entered as n @XCOL, changes Xcol to n.
YCOL: entered as n @YCOL, changes Ycol to n.