
Page B-4
The left-shift key and the right-shift key are combined with other
keys to activate menus, enter characters, or calculate functions as described
The numerical keys (0 to 9) are used to enter the digits of the decimal
number system.
There is a decimal point key (.) and a space key (SPC).
The ENTER key is used to enter a number, expression, or function in the
display or stack, and
The ON key is used to turn the calculator on.
Alternate key functions
The left-shift key, key (8,1), the right-shift key, key (9,1), and the ALPHA key, key
(7,1), can be combined with some of the other keys to activate the alternative
functions shown in the keyboard. For example, the P key, key(4,4), has the
following six functions associated with it:
P Main function, to activate the SYMBolic menu
„´ Left-shift function, to activate the MTH (Math) menu
… N Right-shift function, to activate the CATalog function
~p ALPHA function, to enter the upper-case letter P
~„p ALPHA-Left-Shift function, to enter the lower-case letter p
~…p ALPHA-Right-Shift function, to enter the symbol P
Of the six functions associated with the key only the first four are shown in the
keyboard itself. This is the way that the key looks in the keyboard:
Notice that the color and the position of the labels in the key, namely, SYMB,
MTH, CAT and P, indicate which is the main function (SYMB), and which of