
Page 12-21
The calculator has the ability of plotting one or more conic curves by selecting
Conic as the function TYPE in the PLOT environment. Make sure to delete the
variables PPAR and EQ before continuing. For example, let's store the list of
{ ‘(X-1)^2+(Y-2)^2=3’ , ‘X^2/4+Y^2/3=1’ }
into the variable EQ.
These equations we recognize as those of a circle centered at (1,2) with radius
3, and of an ellipse centered at (0,0) with semi-axis lengths a = 2 and b = 3.
Θ Enter the PLOT environment, by pressing „ô, simultaneously if in RPN
mode, and select Conic as the TYPE. The list of equations will be listed in
the EQ field.
Θ Make sure that the independent variable (Indep) is set to ‘X’ and the
dependent variable (Depnd) to ‘Y’.
Θ Press L@@@OK@@@ to return to normal calculator display.
Θ Enter the PLOT WINDOW environment, by pressing „ò,
simultaneously if in RPN mode.
Θ Change the range for H-VIEW to -3 to 3, by using 3\@@@OK@@@3@@@OK@@@.
Also, change the V-VIEW range to -1.5 to 2 by using
1.5\@@@OK@@@ 2@@@OK@@@.
Θ Change the Indep Low: and High: fields to Default by using L @RESET
while each of those fields is highlighted. Select the option Reset value
after pressing @RESET. Press @@@OK@@@ to complete the resetting of values. Press
L to return to the main menu.
Θ Plot the graph: @ERASE @DRAW.