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Pressing the soft menu key corresponding to p1 will provide an error message
(try L @@@p1@@ `):
Note: By pressing @@@p1@@ ` we are trying to activate (run) the p1 program.
However, this program expects a numerical input. Try the following exercise:
$@@@p1@ „Ü5`. The result is:
The program has the following structure: <<
r 'π*r^2' >>
The « » symbols indicate a program in User RPL language. The characters
indicate that an input, to be referred to as r, is to be provided to the program.
The action from the program is to take that value of r and evaluate the
algebraic '
π*r^2'. In the example shown above, r took the value of 5, and thus
the value of
= π⋅25 is returned. This program, therefore, calculates the area
of a circle given its radius r.
RPN mode
In RPN mode, you only need to press the corresponding soft menu key label to
get the contents of a numerical or algebraic variable. For the case under
consideration, we can try peeking into the variables z1, R, Q, A12,
α, and A,
created above, as follows: J@@z1@@ @@@R@@ @@@Q@@ @@A12@@