
Page A-2
In this particular case we can give values to all but one of the variables, say, n
= 10, I%YR = 8.5, PV = 10000, FV = 1000, and solve for variable PMT (the
meaning of these variables will be presented later). Try the following:
10 @@OK@@ Enter n = 10
8.5 @@OK@@ Enter I%YR = 8.5
10000 @@OK@@ Enter PV = 10000
˜1000 @@OK@@ Enter FV = 1000
— š @SOLVE! Select and solve for PMT
The resulting screen is:
In this input form you will notice the following soft menu key labels:
@EDIT Press to edit highlighted field
!)AMOR Amortization menu - option specific to this application
@SOLVE Press to solve for highlighted field
Pressing L we see the following soft menu key labels:
!RESET Reset fields to default values