
Page TOC-8
List size ,8-10
Extracting and inserting elements in a list ,8-10
Element position in the list ,8-11
HEAD and TAIL functions ,8-11
The SEQ function ,8-11
The MAP function ,8-12
Defining functions that use lists ,8-13
Applications of lists ,8-15
Harmonic mean of a list ,8-15
Geometric mean of a list ,8-16
Weighted average ,8-17
Statistics of grouped data ,8-18
Chapter 9 - Vectors ,9-1
Definitions ,9-1
Entering vectors ,9-2
Typing vectors in the stack ,9-2
Storing vectors into variables ,9-3
Using the Matrix Writer (MTRW) to enter vectors ,9-3
Building a vector with ARRY ,9-6
Identifying, extracting, and inserting vector elements ,9-7
Simple operations with vectors ,9-9
Changing sign ,9-9
Addition, subtraction ,9-9
Multiplication by a scalar, and division by a scalar ,9-9
Absolute value function ,9-10
The MTH/VECTOR menu ,9-10
Magnitude ,9-10
Dot product ,9-11
Cross product ,9-11
Decomposing a vector ,9-11
Building a two-dimensional vector ,9-12
Building a three-dimensional vector ,9-12