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LGCD (Greatest Common Denominator): PROPFRAC (proper fraction)
The functions associated with the ARITHMETIC submenus: INTEGER,
POLYNOMIAL, MODULO, and PERMUTATION, are the following:
EULER Number of integers < n, co -prime with n
IABCUV Solves au + bv = c, with a,b,c = integers
IBERNOULLI n-th Bernoulli number
ICHINREM Chinese reminder for integers
IDIV2 Euclidean division of two integers
IEGCD Returns u,v, such that au + bv = gcd(a,b)
IQUOT Euclidean quotient of two integers
IREMAINDER Euclidean remainder of two integers
ISPRIME? Test if an integer number is prime
NEXTPRIME Next prime for a given integer number
PA2B2 Prime number as square norm of a complex number
PREVPRIME Previous prime for a given integer number
ABCUV Bézout polynomial equation (au+bv=c)
CHINREM Chinese remainder for polynomials
CYCLOTOMIC n-th cyclotomic polynomial
DIV2 Euclidean division of two polynomials
EGDC Returns u,v, from au+bv=gcd(a,b)