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Option 19. MATH.. returns the user to the MTH menu. The remaining functions
are grouped into six different groups described below.
If system flag 117 is set to SOFT menus, the REAL functions menu will look like
this (ALG mode used, the same soft menu keys will be available in RPN mode):
The very last option, )@@MTH@, returns the user to the MTH menu.
Percentage functions
These functions are used to calculate percentages and related values as follows:
% (y,x) : calculates the x percentage of y
%CH(y,x) : calculates 100(y-x)/x, i.e., the percentage change, the
difference between two numbers.
%T(y,x) : calculates 100 x/y, i.e., the percentage total, the portion
that one number (x) is of another (y).
These functions require two arguments, we illustrate the calculation of
%T(15,45), i.e., calculation 15% of 45, next. We assume that the calculator is
set to ALG mode, and that system flag 117 is set to CHOOSE boxes. The
procedure is as follows:
„´ Select MTH menu
5 @@OK@@ Select the 5. REAL.. menu
3 @@OK@@ Select the 5. %T function
15 Enter first argument
‚í Enter a comma to separate arguments
45 Enter second argument
` Calculate function