Page 2-41
To move into the MANS directory, press the corresponding soft menu key (A
in this case), and ` if in algebraic mode. The directory tree will be shown in
the second line of the display as {HOME M NS}. However, there will be no
labels associated with the soft menu keys, as shown below, because there are
no variables defined within this directory.
Let’s create the sub-directory INTRO by using:
„¡@@OK@@ L @@NEW@@ ˜ ~~intro` @@CHK@@ @@OK@@
Press the $ key, followed by the J key, to see the contents of the MANS
directory as follows:
Press the )!INTRO soft menu key to move into the INTRO sub-directory. This will
show an empty sub-directory. Later on, we will do some exercises in creating
Using the command CRDIR
The command CRDIR can be used to create directories. This command is
available through the command catalog key (the ‚N key, second key in
fourth row of keys from the top of the keyboard), through the programming
menus (the „°key, same key as the ‚N key), or by simply typing it.
• Through the catalog key
Press ‚N~c. Use the up and down arrow keys (—˜) to
locate the CRDIR command. Press the @@OK@@ soft menu key to activate the
• Through the programming menus
Press „°. This will produce the following pull-down menu for