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Definite integrals
We will use the Equation Writer to enter the following definite
integral: . Press ‚O to activate the Equation Writer. Then
press ‚ Á to enter the integral sign. Notice that the sign, when entered
into the Equation Writer screen, provides input locations for the limits of
integration, the integrand, and the variable of integration. To fill these input
locations, use the following keystrokes:0™~‚u™~ „
t*S~„t™~„t. The resulting screen is the following:
To see the corresponding expression in the line editor, press —— and the
A soft menu key, to show:
This indicates that the general expression for a derivative in the line editor or in
the stack is: (lower_limit, upper_limit,integrand,variable_of_integration)
Press ` to return to the Equation Writer. The resulting screen is not the
definite integral we entered, however, but its symbolic value, namely,
To recover the derivative expression use ‚¯. To evaluate the derivative
again, you can use the D soft menu key. This shows again that
Note: The notation is proper of partial derivatives. The proper
notation for total derivatives (i.e., derivatives of one variable) is . The
calculator, however, does not distinguish between partial and total derivatives.
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