
Page 5-2
(exponential, logarithmic, trigonometry, hyperbolic, etc.), as you would any real
or complex number. To demonstrate basic operations with algebraic objects,
let’s create a couple of objects, say ‘
π*R^2’ and ‘g*t^2/4’, and store them in
variables A1 and A2 (See Chapter 2 to learn how to create variables and store
values in them). Here are the keystrokes for storing variables A1 in ALG
mode:³„ì*~rQ2™ K ~a1 `, resulting in:
The keystrokes corresponding to RPN mode are: ³„ì*~r
Q2`~a1 K
After storing the variable A2 and pressing the key, the screen will show the
variables as follows:
In ALG mode, the following keystrokes will show a number of operations with
the algebraics contained in variables @@A1@@ and @@A2@@ (press J to recover
variable menu):
@@A1@@ + @@A2@@ ` @@A1@@ - @@A2@@ `
@@A1@@ * @@A2@@ ` @@A1@@ / @@A2@@ `