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Special physical functions
Menu 117, triggered by using MENU(117) in ALG mode, or 117 ` MENU
in RPN mode, produces the following menu (labels listed in the display by using
The functions include:
ZFACTOR: gas compressibility Z factor function
FANNING: Fanning friction factor for fluid flow
DARCY: Darcy-Weisbach friction factor for fluid flow
λ: Black body emissive power function
SIDENS: Silicon intrinsic density
TDELTA: Temperature delta function
In the second page of this menu (press L) we find the following items:
In this menu page, there is one function (TINC) and a number of units described
in an earlier section on units (see above). The function of interest is:
TINC: temperature increment command
Out of all the functions available in this MENU (UTILITY menu), namely,
λ, SIDENS, TDELTA, and TINC, functions
FANNING and DARCY are described in Chapter 6 in the context of solving
equations for pipeline flow. The remaining functions are described following.
Function ZFACTOR
Function ZFACTOR calculates the gas compressibility correction factor for
nonideal behavior of hydrocarbon gas. The function is called by using