Chapter 8 163
io3000 error codes
io3000 DIODC driver errors
io3000 Diagnostic I/O Dependent Code (DIODC) driver error codes post
the following error message:
Example of io3000 DIODC driver error message:
Table 61 shows each io3000 Symbios controller specific error code.
Table 61 io3000 DIODC controller specific errors
Table 62 Symbios controller status codes
Code Description
0x120 General controller error.
0x121 No controller detected in the selected slot.
0x122 Unsupportable controller detected.
0x130 General failure detected.
0x131 Attempted to open a device. An open consists of a SCSI Test
Unit Ready followed by a SCSI Inquiry command. See the
controller status codes for more details.
Code Description
0x81 Symbios Queue Overflow.
0x82 Symbios Queue Empty.
0x88 Invalid handle.
0x84 Timeout during select.
0x85 Timeout detected waiting for a SCRIPT to complete.
0x86 Device transitioned to an unexpected phase.
0x87 Device in an undefined SCSI phase.
0x88 Target not online.