276 Chapter 12
Scan tools
NOTE For clarity, a 0x0 style notation is returned by the shell rather than the
16#0 notation of ksh. The 16#0 notation is acceptable for data that can be
expressed in 32 bits or less.
• list <n<node number> | node
id>:<ring>:<path>:<part>:<field>—Lists the possible paths,
parts or fields that match the argument. Common wild card symbols
are supported by this command to help identify fields names.
• put [<node_number>:]<address>[,<byte_size>] <value>—
Starting at the node indicated by <node id>, write <byte_size>
bytes into the memory address using the <value>. sppdsh is aware
of the various memory sizes assumed at various addresses and
retrieves the appropriate size (For example, 0x20:0x21 = 0x30)
• put [-q]
n<node_number>:<ring>:<path>:<part>:<field>—Writes the
scan location node <node_id>:<ring>:<path>:<part>:<field>.
The -q option is used to display the result without the scan field
name. If a node number is used as the node id then an “n” should
precede the node number as “n0”.
• get [<node_number>:]<address>[,<byte_size>]
[<iterations>]—Reads <byte_size> bytes from the memory
location <address> on node <node id>. This command can be
repeated with the address incremented. One or <iterations>
different addresses will be read.
• get [-q]
n<node_number>:<ring>:<path>:<part>:<field>—Reads scan
location node <node_id>:<ring>:<path>:<part>:<field>. The
-q option is used then the result should be displayed without the scan
field name. The -a option displays both the address and the data. The
-b option eliminates leading zeros. If a node number is used as the
node id then an “n” should precede the node number as “n0”
• block n<node_number>:<ring>:<path>—Reads the scan ring at
<node id>:<ring>:<path> and lock the scan ring image for bget
and bput operations.
• bget [-q] <part>:<field>—Extracts data from the locked scan
ring image. When the -q option is used, the results are displayed
without the scan field name