266 Chapter 11
Miscellaneous tools
Miscellaneous tools
The following miscellaneous tools are described in this section:
• kill_by_name
• fix_boot_sector
The kill_by_name script kills processes by name rather than by
process identification. The following is the usage of this script:
kill_by_name <file name> <signal to send> <process id to not kill>
Table 85 describes the options in kill_by_name.
Table 85 kill_by_name options
If the third argument is used, the second argument must also be
specified. For example:
kill_by_name foo 15 1234
This sppdsh script restores the four words at the beginning of NVRAM
to point to POST. These four words are used by the ENTRY firmware to
determine which process was executing last when an HPMC, TOC, or
reset occurs.
Option Description
file name Process name to kill.
signal to send Default is kill command.
process id to not kill Kills all processes that match the
specified name except the one
matching this ID.