174 Chapter 9
User parameters
User parameters
The Test Controller allows mem3000 20 user parameters. Table 73
defines these parameters:
Table 73 User parameter definitions
Parameter 4 defaults to the value 2 causing the test to automatically
probe all known DIMMs to determine their type: 80- or 88-bit DIMMs.
The test then changes the parameter from 2 to 0 or 1. It is set to 1 if only
88-bit DIMMs were found. If any 80-bit DIMMs were found, it is set to 0.
Parameters 6 and 7 default to the value 0xfffffffff, the bit mask that
indicates whether a memory octant should be tested. When the Test
Controller is started, mem3000 changes the values to match the memory
that POST enabled on the node.
Each range is 0x0 through 0xffffffff. Each byte represents the physical
octant mask for a memory board.
Parameter 6 contains the masks for boards 0 through 3 in the order
shown in Figure 40.
Words Usage
0/1 64-bit user pattern 0 used in subtests 238 and 338
2/3 64-bit user pattern 1 used in subtests 238 and 338
4 Denotes 88-bit DIMMs are installed (default=2)
5 Denotes test is to run with errors disabled (default=0)
6/7 Octant mask. (default: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff)