
The sample autoinstall control program for APPC connections .......550
Default actions of the sample program...............550
Resource definitions .....................551
Chapter 13. Writing a program to control autoinstall of IPIC connections 553
Autoinstalling IPIC connections: preliminary considerations ........553
The autoinstall user program at INSTALL...............555
The autoinstall user program at DELETE ...............556
When autoinstalled IPCONNs are deleted .............557
The sample autoinstall user program for IPIC connections (IPCONN) ....557
Default actions of the sample program...............558
Resource definitions .....................558
Chapter 14. Writing a program to control autoinstall of shipped terminals 559
Installing shipped terminals and connections .............559
CICS-generated aliases ....................560
Resetting the terminal identifier .................560
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL ..............561
The communications area at INSTALL for shipped terminals.......562
The autoinstall control program at DELETE ..............564
Default actions of the sample programs ...............565
Chapter 15. Writing a program to control autoinstall of virtual terminals 567
How Client virtual terminals are autoinstalled .............567
Autoinstall models ......................567
Terminal identifiers ......................567
Why override TERMIDs? ....................568
How bridge facility virtual terminals are autoinstalled ..........570
Using the terminal autoinstall control program for bridge facilities .....570
Bridge facility name uniqueness .................571
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL ..............571
The communications area at INSTALL for Client virtual terminals .....571
The communications area at INSTALL for bridge facility virtual terminals 573
The autoinstall control program at DELETE ..............575
The communications area at DELETE for Client virtual terminals .....575
The communications area at DELETE for bridge facility virtual terminals 576
Default actions of the sample programs ...............577
Chapter 16. Writing a program to control autoinstall of programs ....579
Autoinstalling programs—preliminary considerations...........579
Autoinstall model definitions...................580
Autoinstalling programs invoked by EXEC CICS LINK commands.....580
Autoinstall processing of mapsets ................581
System autoinstall ......................581
Benefits of autoinstalling programs .................581
Reduced system administration costs ...............581
Saving in virtual storage ....................581
Faster startup times .....................582
Requirements for program autoinstall ................582
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL ..............583
The sample autoinstall control program for programs, DFHPGADX .....586
Customizing the sample program.................586
Resource definition ......................587
Testing and debugging your program ...............588
Chapter 17. Writing a dynamic routing program ...........589
Contents ix