Chapter 11. Writing a program to control autoinstall of
Considerations common to all user-replaceable programs
Note that the comments contained in Chapter 5, “General notes about
user-replaceable programs,” on page 435 apply to this chapter.
This chapter describes how to write a program to control the automatic installation
of MVS console devices (including TSO consoles). For information about controlling
the automatic installation of locally-attached VTAM terminals, see Chapter 10,
“Writing a program to control autoinstall of terminals,” on page 515.
The chapter is divided into the following sections:
1. “Autoinstalling consoles—preliminary considerations”
2. “The autoinstall control program at INSTALL” on page 536
3. “The autoinstall control program at DELETE” on page 540
4. “The sample autoinstall control programs for consoles” on page 541.
Autoinstalling consoles—preliminary considerations
The reasons for using autoinstall for MVS consoles are the same as those that
apply to the autoinstall for VTAM devices: you don't have to define each device
explicitly, and you save on storage (see “Autoinstalling terminals—preliminary
considerations” on page 515).
Leaving it all to CICS
For consoles, in addition to the normal autoinstall support, you can also choose to
let CICS autoinstall consoles without calling the autoinstall program. In this case,
CICS uses either:
v A model console definition with an AUTINSTNAME (model name) that matches
the MVS console name, or
v The first suitable console model it finds in alphanumeric sequence
If the autoinstall control program is not called, CICS generates a 4-character termid
starting with the ¬ (logical not) symbol.
If you want CICS to install your consoles automatically:
v Create at least one model TERMINAL definition that references a TYPETERM
definition specifying DEVICE(CONSOLE). You can use the IBM-supplied
definition in group DFHTERMC if it suits your needs.
v Install the model TERMINAL and TYPETERM definition.
Using an autoinstall control program
If you choose to have your autoinstall control program invoked for consoles, follow
these steps:
v Use the default autoinstall control program for terminals (DFHZATDX or
DFHZATDY), or write your own program, using the source code of the default
program and the customization examples in this chapter as a basis.
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