Table 55. Messages issued and flags set by DFHZNAC for specific sense
codes (continued)
Sense code Message Action flags set
X'40FF' DFHZC3453 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24
X'8000' DFHZC3435 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24
X'8005' DFHZC3435 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24
X'80FF' DFHZC3435 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 23, 24
X'FFFF' DFHZC2460 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24
1. The system sense code is in the form of an LUSTATUS command code.
2. No action flags are set if a task is attached or if outstanding operations
are to complete. Otherwise, flag 21 is set.
3. Action flags 2 and 3 are set for negative response received for a SEND
that requested a definite response.
4. Presentation space error.
5. Presentation error on read. Display buffer alteration, due to operator
intervention, detected on a READ command to a compatibility-mode
logical unit.
6. Function abend received from a device. A negative response to a chain
was sent, but purged.
Action flag settings and meanings
Table 56 shows the “action flags” that can be set by DFHZNAC in the
communication area passed to DFHZNEP. The flags set by DFHZNAC represent
the default actions that will be taken if the settings are not changed by DFHZNEP.
The figures in the “Flag” column refer to those in columns 3 of Table 53 on page
855 and Table 55 on page 866.
Table 56. Meanings of action flags set by DFHZNAC
Flag Field Bit mask Hex bit
1 TWAOPT1 1... .... X'80' Print action flags
2 .1.. .... X'40' Print VTAM RPL
3 ..1. .... X'20' Print TCTTE
4 ...1 .... X'10' Print TIOA
5 .... 1... X'08' Print BIND area
6 .... .1.. X'04' System dump if no task
7 .... ..1. X'02' Print network-qualified name
8 .... ...1 X'01' Print TN3270 IP address
9 TWAOPT2 1... .... X'80' Abort any send for this
10 .1.. .... X'40' Abort any receive for this
868 Customization Guide