to terminate the sample program
to ask the overseer to try to open CICS availability manager (CAVM) data sets
that it has previously failed to open.
The full format of the operator command entered at the MVS console is:
MODIFY overseer-jobname,command-identifier
where “command-identifier” is Display, Restart, Snap, End, or Open, or an
abbreviation of any of these. The Display and Restart commands control the two
major functions of the sample overseer program, which are described below. The
Open command is described under “Opening CAVM data sets dynamically” on page
The display function
When the operator enters the Display command at the MVS console, the sample
overseer program issues a multiline write-to-operator (MLWTO) command showing
the last known state of each of the active-alternate pairs that it is monitoring. The
overseer retrieves this information from the control and message data sets, in which
the CICS availability manager (CAVM) has been recording state and surveillance
information. The display includes a title line and one line of status information for
each active-alternate pair. The title line is as follows:
Each line of status information provides the following:
v The generic applid of the active-alternate pair (GEN-APP)
v The CICS job name of the active (ACT-JOB) and of the alternate (BKP-JOB)
v The specific applid of the active (ACT-APP) and of the alternate (BKP-APP)
v The SMF IDs of the CPUs on which the active and the alternate were last known
to be executing (ACPU and BCPU)
v The last known status of the active (A-ST) and of the alternate (B-ST). The status
value can be one of the following:
ACT Active signed on normally and running the active CICS workload.
BACK Alternate signed on and running normally.
SOFN Signed off normally.
SOFA Signed off abnormally.
TKOV Taking over (alternate only).
INCA Incipient active, meaning that an alternate CICS is taking over from an
active CICS. The active job has signed off abnormally, and the incipient
active is waiting for the active job to terminate.
TKIP Takeover in progress. An alternate CICS is attempting a takeover of this
active system. When the takeover is complete, the status is changed.
UNKN Unknown—the overseer has no current information about the status,
which was in an intermediate state when the Display command was
processed. Reissuing the Display command causes UNKN to be
replaced by another status value.
OLD The information displayed for the alternate refers to out-of-date
information about the system that was the alternate until a recent
690 Customization Guide