XPCTA exit, to test whether the abend was caused by a storage protection
exception condition. It is described on page “The sample XPCTA global
user exit program, DFH$PCTA” on page 191.
Related concepts
“The sample XPCTA global user exit program, DFH$PCTA” on page 191
The terminal-not-known sample exit program
You can use this sample global user exit program to handle terminal-not-known
conditions arising from START and ATI requests:
A sample global user exit program, designed to be invoked at the XALTENF
or XICTENF exit. The sample source code is shown on page “The sample
program for the XALTENF and XICTENF exits, DFHXTENF” on page 230.
Related concepts
“The sample program for the XALTENF and XICTENF exits, DFHXTENF” on page
Alphabetical list of global user exit points
The global user exit points are listed in alphabetical order, giving a brief description
and a reference to where you can find more information about each exit.
Table 2. Alphabetical list of global user exit points
Exit name Module or domain Where or when invoked Topic
XAKUSER Activity keypoint
Immediately before the ‘end of keypoint' record is
“Activity keypoint
program exit
page 32
XALCAID Terminal allocation
Whenever an AID with data is canceled. “Exit XALCAID” on
page 221
XALTENF When an ATI request from transient data or interval
control requires a terminal that is unknown in this
on page 226
XAPADMGR Application domain When a non-system task that has no inherited
Associated Data Origin Descriptor data is attached.
Associated Data
in the AP domain”
on page 33
XBMIN Basic Mapping Support When an input mapping operation completes
“Exit XBMIN” on
page 35
XBMOUT When a page of output has been built successfully. “Exit XBMOUT” on
page 35
XDLIPOST DL/I interface program On exit from the DL/I interface program. “Exit XDLIPOST”
on page 51
XDLIPRE On entry to the DL/I interface program. “Exit XDLIPRE” on
page 49
XDSAWT Dispatcher domain After an operating system wait. “Exit XDSAWT” on
page 48
XDSBWT Before an operating system wait. “Exit XDSBWT” on
page 47
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 25