manager’s parameter list and the TRUE return codes. (The CICS syncpoint
manager parameters are described in “CICS syncpoint manager parameters” on
page 279.)
Table 15. Valid return codes for a TRUE invoked by the CICS syncpoint manager
Request-type Return codes Meaning
UERTPREP UERFPREP Phase 1 of 2-phase commit successful
UERTPREP UERFBACK Phase 1 of 2-phase commit unsuccessful
UERTWAIT None Not applicable
UERTCOMM UERFDONE Phase 2 of 2-phase commit successful
UERTCOMM UERFHOLD Phase 2 of 2-phase commit unsuccessful
UERTBACK UERFDONE Backout successful
UERTBACK UERFHOLD Backout unsuccessful
UERTONLY UERFOK Single-phase commit successful
UERTONLY UERFBOUT Single-phase commit failed and backed out
UERTELUW None Not applicable
What is expected of your resource manager
If every request from the syncpoint manager prompts a meaningful response from
the resource manager, CICS ensures that changes to recoverable resources (such
as databases) can be synchronized. That is, either all the changes take effect or all
are backed out, even across system failures.
Do not update a recoverable CICS resource during a syncpoint call because any
changes will not be seen by the CICS syncpoint manager.
Sample code for a TRUE invoked by the CICS syncpoint
The pseudocode given in Figure 8 on page 296 is only an example. It is not
complete, and includes only some of the conditions that a task-related user exit
invoked at a syncpoint might be required to check.
Chapter 2. Task-related user exit programs 295