performance records changes if you add user data at user event monitoring points
(EMPs), or if you exclude any system-defined data from the monitoring process.
All of the system-defined data fields in the performance records are described in
Performance class data: listing of data fields , in the CICS Performance Guide.
The format of the performance data section is shown in Figure 113.
Relationship of the dictionary record to the performance records:
field connectors
Following the SMF product section that relates to the performance records, and
before the performance records themselves, is a string of field connectors. The
field connectors connect each performance record field to the dictionary entry that
describes it.
The purpose of the field connectors is to tell you which fields are going to occur in
the performance records produced by this CICS run. Each field connector
corresponds to one field in each of the succeeding performance records. The first
field connector corresponds to the first field, the second to the second field, and so
Each field connector also corresponds to a single dictionary entry in the associated
dictionary record: the connector value is equal to the value of CMODCONN in the
corresponding dictionary entry. A useful technique for calculating the offset of a
particular dictionary entry is to take the connector, subtract one, and multiply the
result by the length of a single dictionary entry.
Thus, the string of field connectors is the key to the dictionary. And without the
dictionary, reporting and analysis programs cannot interpret the performance data.
The successive performance records can be regarded as rows in a table, with each
column corresponding to one type of field within the records. Each field connector
then describes the contents of one column. This view of the data is helpful when
designing tabular reports, which are often arranged in this way.
SMF Header SMF Product Section Performance Data Section
Field Performance Performance Performance Performance
Connectors Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record n
Data for Data for Data for Data for Data for Data for
field 1 field 2 field 3 field 4 field 5 field n
Figure 113. Format of the performance data section
762 Customization Guide