v For non-terminal-related START requests, DYRUSERID contains:
– The userid specified on the USERID option of the EXEC CICS START
command, or
– If USERID is not specified, the userid under which the transaction that
issued the START command is running.
By examining this field when it is invoked for routing or because of a
route-selection error (DYRFUNC=0 or 1, respectively), your routing program can
route requests based on the userid associated with the request.
is a 1024-byte user area.
CICS initializes this user area to zeroes before invoking the distributed routing
program for a given task. This user area can be modified by the routing
program; the modified area is passed to subsequent invocations of the routing
program for the same request.
However, note that:
1. The user area passed to the routing program on its first call on the target
region (transaction initiation) is a copy of the user area on the routing
region. This means that any modifications to the user area made on the
target region have no effect on the user area in the routing region. For
example, a change to the user area made on the transaction initiation call
has no effect on the user area passed to the routing complete call, even if
the latter occurs after the transaction initiation call.
2. The user area passed to the first (transaction initiation) call on the target
region is a copy of that returned by the call on the routing region that
caused the transaction initiation call to occur. That is:
v If there was no error in route selection, it is a copy of the user area
returned by the route selection or notification call.
v If there was a route selection error, it is a copy of the user area returned
by the final route selection error call.
v It is never a copy of the user area returned by the routing attempt
complete call on the routing region, even if the latter occurs before the
transaction initiation call on the target region.
is the version number of the dynamic routing interface. For CICS Transaction
Server for z/OS, Version 3 Release 2, the number is 10.
Naming your distributed routing program
The supplied, sample distributed routing program is named DFHDSRP. If you write
your own version, you can name it differently.
After the system has been loaded, to find the name of the distributed routing
program currently identified to CICS, use the EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM command.
Field DSRTPROGRAM contains the name of the current program.
To change the current program:
v Use the DSRTPGM system initialization parameter. For information about how to do
this, refer to the CICS System Definition Guide.
v Make the change online using the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM DSRTPROGRAM command.
For programming information about this command, refer to the CICS System
Programming Reference manual.
656 Customization Guide