Chapter 34. User programs for the system definition utility
program (DFHCSDUP)
This chapter tells you how to write programs for use with the CICS system definition
utility program (DFHCSDUP). It is divided into the following sections:
1. “An overview of DFHCSDUP” contains background information.
2. “Invoking a user program from DFHCSDUP” on page 814 describes the
DFHCSDUP EXTRACT command, and tells you how to write a user program to
be invoked from DFHCSDUP.
3. “Invoking DFHCSDUP from a user program” on page 821 tells you how to write
a program from which DFHCSDUP itself can be invoked.
4. “The user exit points in DFHCSDUP” on page 824 describes the user exit points
5. “The sample program, DFH$CUS1” on page 829 describes a sample program
that shows you how to invoke DFHCSDUP from a user program.
An overview of DFHCSDUP
The CICS system definition utility program (DFHCSDUP) is a component of
resource definition online (RDO). DFHCSDUP is an offline utility program that
allows you to read from and write to a CICS system definition (CSD) file, either
while CICS is running or while it is inactive.
Using DFHCSDUP, you can do the following:
v Add a group to the end of a named list in a CSD file
v Alter the definition of a single resource, on the CSD
v Append a group list from one CSD file to a group list in another, or in the same,
CSD file
v Copy all of the resource definitions in one group to another group in the same, or
in a different, CSD file
v Define a single resource, or a group of resources, on the CSD
v Delete from the CSD a single resource definition, all of the resource definitions in
a group, or all of the group names in a list
v Extract requested data from the CSD and pass it to a named user program for
v Initialize a new CSD file, and add to it the CICS-supplied resource definitions
v List selected resource definitions, groups, and lists
v Migrate the contents of a table from a CICS load library to a CSD file
v Process an APAR—that is, apply maintenance for a specific APAR to the CSD
v Remove a single group from a list on the CSD file
v Scan all IBM-supplied and user-defined groups for a resource
v Service a CSD file when necessary
v Upgrade the CICS-supplied resource definitions in a primary CSD file for a new
release of CICS
v Define resources using a set of user-defined default values (USERDEFINE
v Verify a CSD file by removing internal locks on groups and lists.
You can invoke DFHCSDUP in two ways:
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