Part 8. Examining and modifying resource attributes .............807
Chapter 33. Using the programmable interface to CEDA ........809
When to use the programmable interface...............810
Using DFHEDAP in a DTP environment ...............810
Chapter 34. User programs for the system definition utility program
(DFHCSDUP) ........................813
An overview of DFHCSDUP ...................813
Invoking a user program from DFHCSDUP ..............814
Writing a program to be invoked during EXTRACT processing ......814
The EXTRACT command ...................814
When the user program is invoked ................815
Parameters passed from DFHCSDUP to the user program .......815
The sample EXTRACT programs.................816
Assembling and link-editing EXTRACT programs ...........819
Invoking DFHCSDUP from a user program ..............821
Entry parameters for DFHCSDUP ................822
Responsibilities of the user program ...............824
The user exit points in DFHCSDUP .................824
Parameters passed to the user exit routines.............824
The initialization exit .....................825
The get-command exit.....................825
The extract exit .......................826
The put-message exit .....................827
The termination exit......................828
The sample program, DFH$CUS1 .................829
Part 9. Appendixes .............................831
Appendix A. Coding entries in the VTAM LOGON mode table ......833
Overview of the VTAM LOGON mode table ..............833
TYPETERM device types and pointers to related LOGON mode data ....833
VTAM MODEENT macro operands .................835
PSERVIC screen size values for LUTYPEx devices ...........840
Matching models and LOGON mode entries .............841
LOGON mode definitions for CICS-supplied autoinstall models .......850
Appendix B. Default actions of the node abnormal condition program 855
DFHZNAC—default actions for terminal error codes ...........855
CICS messages associated with VTAM errors .............861
DFHZNAC—default actions for system sense codes...........866
Action flag settings and meanings .................868
Appendix C. Analyzing CICS restart information ...........871
Appendix D. Using the transient data write-to-terminal program
(DFH$TDWT) ........................873
DFH$TDWT—resource definitions required ..............873
Appendix E. Uppercase translation ................875
Translating national characters to uppercase .............875
Using the XZCIN exit .....................875
Using DFHTCTxx ......................875
Translating TS data sharing messages to uppercase ..........876
xiv Customization Guide