Special characters
“good night” transaction
customizing the sample program 804
overview 801
sample program, DFH0GNIT 803
3270 bridge
bridge exit 661
bridge exit program 661
3270 information display system
error processors (optional) 498
unavailable printer
transaction bit 472
abnormal conditions
in terminal error programs 470
sample node error program 496
sample terminal error program 451
user-written node error programs 505
abort write bit 472
application routing failure 495
automatic installation 515
CINIT request unit 518
CLSDST PASS function 495
default DFHZNEP 480
DFHZNAC logging facility 494
entries in LOGON mode table 833
error-handling 480
DFHZNAC/DFHZNEP interface 480
DFHZNAC/DFHZNEP interface action flags 481
generic resources 547
node error program 512
ISTINCLM values 835
node error program (DFHZNEP) 496
PSERVIC values 840
session failures
user-written NEPs 507
transaction-class error-handling routine 487
VTAM LOGON mode table 516
ACQUIRE PROGRAM function of the XPI 356
action flag names, DFHTEP 457
adapter, task-related user exits 267
ADD SUSPEND function of the XPI 334
addressing mode implications 289
ADYN, dynamic allocation transaction 782
AIEXIT, system initialization parameter 516, 544
AILDELAY, system initialization parameter 195
AIRDELAY, system initialization parameter 511
allocate queues
controlling the length of
using the XISCONA global user exit 138
using the XISQUE global user exit 258
using the XZIQUE global user exit 249
Alphabetical list of GLUEs 25
APPC connections
intersystem queues 249
XZIQUE global user exit
for controlling intersystem queues 249
APPC connections, automatic installation of 543
assembling and link-editing a user-replaceable
program 436
autoinstall user-replaceable programs
for APPC connections (DFHZATDY) 543
for bridge facilities 567
for IPIC connections (DFHISAIP) 553
for programs (DFHPDADX) 579
for shipped terminals
for terminals (DFHZATDX) 527
for virtual terminals
automatic installation of APPC connections
benefits of 544
control program
at delete 549
parameter list at install 545
purpose of 545
introduction 543
model definitions 543
parallel-session 543
recovery and restart 545
requirements for 544
initiated by BIND 543
initiated by CINIT 543
supplied resource definitions 551
templates 544
the sample program 550
default actions 550
automatic installation of IP connections
supplied resource definitions 558
automatic installation of IPCONN
templates 553
user program
purpose of 553
automatic installation of IPCONNs
benefits of autoinstall 553
requirements 553
the sample program 557
default actions 558
user program
at delete 556
parameter list at install 555
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