
Coding entries for MTS
You need to define model names (MDLTAB, MDLENT, and MDLPLU macros) and
printer and associated printer names (ASLTAB, ASLENT, and ASLPLU macros) to
The autoinstall control program for terminals
In addition to managing your resource definition, your autoinstall control program
can perform any other processes that you want at this time. Its access to the
command-level interface is that of a normal, nonterminal user task. Some possible
uses are listed “The sample autoinstall control programs for terminals” on page 527.
The control program is invoked when:
1. An autoinstall INSTALL request is being processed
2. An autoinstall DELETE request has just been completed
3. An autoinstall request has previously been accepted by the user program, but
the subsequent INSTALL process has failed.
On each invocation of the autoinstall control program, a parameter list is passed
(using a communication area), describing the function being performed (INSTALL or
DELETE), and providing data relevant to the particular event. (In case 3 above, the
control program is invoked as if for DELETE).
The INSTALL and DELETE events are now described in detail.
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL
If autoinstall is operative, the autoinstall control program is invoked at INSTALL for:
v Local VTAM terminals
v MVS consoles
v Local APPC single-session connections initiated by a CINIT
v Local APPC parallel-session connections initiated by a BIND
v Local APPC single-session connections initiated by a BIND
v Client virtual terminals
v Shipped terminals and connections.
On each invocation, CICS passes a parameter list to the control program by means
of a communication area addressed by DFHEICAP. The parameter list passed at
INSTALL of MVS consoles is described in “The autoinstall control program at
INSTALL” on page 536. The parameter list passed at INSTALL of local APPC
connections initiated by BIND requests is described in “The communication area at
INSTALL for APPC connections” on page 545. The parameter list passed at
INSTALL of shipped terminals and connections is described in “The communications
area at INSTALL for shipped terminals” on page 562. The parameter list passed at
INSTALL of client virtual terminals is described in “The communications area at
INSTALL for Client virtual terminals” on page 571. The parameter list passed at
INSTALL of MVS consoles is described in Chapter 11, “Writing a program to control
autoinstall of consoles,” on page 535. This section describes only INSTALL of local
terminals (including APPC single-session connections initiated by a CINIT).
The control program is invoked at INSTALL for terminals when both:
v A VTAM logon request has been received from a resource eligible for automatic
installation whose NETNAME is not in the TCT.
Chapter 10. Writing a program to control autoinstall of terminals 517