Chapter 20. Writing a 3270 bridge exit program
Considerations common to all user-replaceable programs
Note that the comments contained in Chapter 5, “General notes about
user-replaceable programs,” on page 435 apply to this chapter.
The 3270 bridge provides an interface so that you can run 3270-based CICS
transactions without a 3270 terminal. In the bridge environment, terminal commands
are intercepted by CICS and passed to a bridge exit user-replaceable program.
The bridge exit provides the mechanism by which data needed to run a 3270
transaction can be sent and received from an external resource. For example, you
can use WebSphere
MQ commands in a bridge exit so that CICS can GET and
PUT messages to WebSphere MQ queues.
For a detailed description of the 3270 bridge exit and its interfaces, see Bridging to
3270 transactions, in the CICS External Interfaces Guide.
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