Preface ...........................xvii
What this book is about .....................xvii
Who this book is for.......................xvii
What you need to know to understand this book ............xvii
How to use this book ......................xvii
Notes on terminology ......................xvii
Syntax notation and conventions used in this book ...........xviii
Summary of changes ......................xix
Changes for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 3 Release 2 .....xix
Changes for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 3 Release 1 .....xix
Changes for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 2 Release 3 .....xx
Part 1. Customizing with user exit programs ..................1
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs ................3
Writing global user exit programs ..................3
Register conventions ......................3
31-bit addressing implications ...................4
Using CICS services ......................4
Using channels and containers ..................5
Assembler programs and LEASM .................6
EDF and global user exits ....................6
The global work area ......................6
Making trace entries ......................6
Parameters passed to the global user exit program ...........7
Returning values to CICS ....................10
Restrictions on the use of fields as programming interfaces .......11
Exit programs and the CICS storage protection facility .........11
Errors in user exit programs ...................12
Defining, enabling, and disabling an exit program ............12
Viewing active global user exits ...................13
Invoking more than one exit program at a single exit ...........13
Invoking a single exit program at more than one exit ...........14
Making programs threadsafe ....................14
Sample global user exit programs ..................15
Basic sample and example programs ...............15
Sample programs for specific exits ................18
Alphabetical list of global user exit points ...............25
Global user exit points by functional area ...............32
Activity keypoint program exit XAKUSER ..............32
Application Associated Data exit, XAPADMGR, in the AP domain .....33
Basic Mapping Support exits XBMIN and XBMOUT ..........34
Bridge facility exit XFAINTU ...................38
Data tables management exits XDTRD, XDTAD, and XDTLC .......40
DBCTL interface control program exit XXDFA ............45
DBCTL tracking program exits XXDFB and XXDTO ..........46
Dispatcher domain exits XDSBWT and XDSAWT ...........47
DL/I interface program exits XDLIPRE and XDLIPOST .........48
Dump domain exits XDUREQ, XDUREQC, XDUCLSE, and XDUOUT....53
Enqueue EXEC interface program exits XNQEREQ and XNQEREQC....60
EXEC interface program exits XEIIN, XEIOUT, XEISPIN, and XEISPOUT 67
File control domain exits, XFCFRIN and XFCFROUT ..........72
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