If a name clash occurs in an AOR, the autoinstall control program is invoked in the
AOR. It can resolve the conflict by allocating an alias terminal identifier to the
shipped definition.
How bridge facility virtual terminals are autoinstalled
Bridge facility virtual terminals are defined to CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,
Version 3 Release 2 as LU2 devices. They are created by the 3270 bridge
mechanism to support the execution of a CICS 3270 application in a bridged
environment, where all terminal interaction is intercepted and passed to the 3270
bridge mechanism.
The 3270 bridge mechanism uses a model 3270 terminal definition (facilitylike)to
build the bridge facility, creating both an eight-byte token to identify it and a
four-character terminal identifier, which is used as both TERMID and NETNAME.
For bridge facilities created with the START BREXIT command, the token and name
are unique within the region creating the bridge facility, and the TERMID takes the
form }AAA, where AAA is an alphabetic sequence that ascends serially.
For bridge facilities created by the Link3270 bridge, the token and name are unique
across the CICSplex, and the TERMID is of the form AAA}. Uniqueness is achieved
by using a shared file to control allocation of names.
Bridge facility terminal names and netnames are normally allocated dynamically by
the bridge mechanism, but if the AIBRIDGE system initialization parameter is set to
YES, the terminal autoinstall control program is called and can be used to assign
installation specific names.
Using the terminal autoinstall control program for bridge facilities
If you specify AIBRIDGE (YES), then the autoinstall control program is called when
a bridge facility is allocated or deleted. The autoinstall control program is passed a
parameter list ( the communications area) described in “The communications area
at INSTALL for bridge facility virtual terminals” on page 573 and “The
communications area at DELETE for bridge facility virtual terminals” on page 576.
This indicates whether the program was called for a Link3270 or a START bridge
Installation specific terminal names can be allocated in one of two ways:
1. Names can be defined by the client program and passed on the initial Link3270
request. The autoinstall control program can then allow, change or reject these
2. Names can be defined by the autoinstall control program
The names suggested by the client program are passed in the communications
area. The autoinstall control program can also use EXEC CICS ASSIGN USERID to
obtain the USERID and use this to validate the suggested TERMID and NETNAME.
The client defined TERMID and NETNAME fields can also be used to pass some
installation specific data to the autoinstall control program, to be used to generate
the required names.
Autoinstall of a START bridge facility
Apart from the information contained in the communications area, you can obtain
the following information:
570 Customization Guide