Event codes .........................681
The EJB event sample program ..................682
Actions of the default program..................682
Writing your own EJB event program ...............682
Chapter 25. Writing programs to customize Language Environment
run-time options for XPLink programs ..............685
DFHAPXPO .........................685
Defining run-time options....................685
Part 4. Customizing the XRF overseer program................687
Chapter 26. The extended recovery facility overseer program......689
The sample XRF overseer program .................689
The functions of the sample program ...............689
How the sample overseer program interfaces with CICS ........693
How to tell the overseer which actives and alternates to monitor .....693
The DFHWOSM macros .....................695
The DFHWOSM tokens ....................695
DFHWOSM FUNC=BUILD macro ................696
DFHWOSM FUNC=CLOSE macro ................696
DFHWOSM FUNC=DSECT macro ................697
DFHWOSM FUNC=JJC macro .................697
DFHWOSM FUNC={JJS|QJJS} macro ...............697
DFHWOSM FUNC=OPEN macro ................698
DFHWOSM FUNC=OSCMD macro ................699
DFHWOSM FUNC=READ macro.................699
DFHWOSM FUNC=TERM macro ................703
Customizing the sample XRF overseer program ............703
Loop or wait detection .....................705
Assembling and link-editing the overseer program ..........705
Part 5. CICS journaling, monitoring, and statistics ..............707
Chapter 27. CICS logging and journaling ..............709
The CICS log manager .....................709
Log stream storage .......................709
Enabling, disabling, and reading journals ...............711
Enabling and disabling a journal .................711
Reading journal records offline .................712
Structure and content of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS format journal
records ..........................712
Format of general log block header ................713
Format of general log journal record ...............714
Start-of-run record ......................716
Format of caller data .....................716
Structure and content of COMPAT41-format journal records ........729
Format of COMPAT41 journal control label header ..........729
Format of journal record ....................731
Identifying records for the start of tasks and UOWs ..........737
Format of journal records written to SMF ...............737
The SMF block header ....................738
The CICS product section ...................740
The CICS data section ....................742
xii Customization Guide