Chapter 33. Using the programmable interface to CEDA
This chapter describes a programmable interface to the resource definition online
(RDO) transaction, CEDA. The functions provided by RDO can be invoked from
application programs, by a command such as:
where DFHEDAP is the name of the entry point in the RDO program, and
CEDAPARM is a user-defined name of a parameter list consisting of five 31-bit
addresses (each contained in a fullword) as follows:
1. Address of a field containing the RDO command in source form.
2. Address of a halfword binary field specifying the length of the command. The
maximum length of the input command is 1022 bytes.
3. Address of a 1-byte indicator field defined as follows:
X'80' Display output at terminal instead of returning it to caller.
X'00' Do not display output at terminal.
4. Address of a field in which output is to be placed by DFHEDAP.
5. Address of a halfword binary field specifying the maximum length of output that
the application can handle.
If the indicator in address 3 is X'80', output is displayed at the terminal. In this case,
you can enter any number of CEDA commands at the terminal, in response to the
output displayed on your screen. Control is returned to your application program
when you press PF3.
However, if the indicator is X'00' (output is not to be displayed at the terminal),
DFHEDAP returns control to your application program immediately after processing
the RDO command specified in the first address. At the same time, DFHEDAP
returns the output as one or two concatenated, structured fields. The output from a
single request comprises one field for the translation stage and one or none for the
execution stage. Each field has the format:
v Binary halfword containing inclusive length of field.
v Binary halfword containing the number of messages produced.
v Binary halfword containing the highest message-severity: ‘0’ and ‘4’ continue to
execution; ‘8’ and ‘12’ do not continue to execution.
v Variable-length data containing:
– For the translation stage: diagnostic messages if there are any.
– For the execution stage: data that would normally appear on the CEDA
screen, including messages. Each line begins with a new line (NL) character
and, otherwise, consists of blanks and uppercase alphanumeric characters.
The format of this data is not guaranteed from release to release, but it is the same
as that displayed by CEDA. (Analysis of this data should not normally be necessary.
Typically, your program is interested only in whether or not the command was
successful.) If the total output is longer than the maximum length specified by the
user, it is truncated.
1. An attempt to start CEDA from an application program by an EXEC CICS
START command must fail. This is because CEDA’s first action is to
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