Address of an area containing the VTAM LU name. The address may be
zero if no terminal is associated with the request, or the area may be blank
if the terminal is not a VTAM terminal.
Address of the TCT user area.
Address of a fullword containing the length of the TCTUA.
Address of a 2-word communication area.
CICS security control points
The following list summarizes the RACROUTE macros used by CICS to invoke the
ESM, and the control points at which they are issued.
The “front end” to the macros described below, it invokes the MVS router. If
RACF is not present on the system, RACROUTE can route to an alternative
ESM, via the MVS router exit.
Issued at operator signon (with the parameter ENVIR=CREATE), and at sign-off
(with the parameter ENVIR=DELETE). This macro creates or destroys an
access control environment element (ACEE). It is issued at the following CICS
control points:
v Normal signon through EXEC CICS SIGNON
v Signon of the default userid DFLTUSER
v Signon of preset security terminals
v Signon of MRO sessions
v Signon of LUTYPE6.1 sessions
v Signon of APPC sessions
v Signon for XRF tracking of the above
v Signon of the userid on attach requests (for all values of ATTACHSEC except
v Normal sign-off through EXEC CICS SIGNOFF
v Sign-off when deleting a terminal
v Sign-off when TIMEOUT expires
v Sign-off of MRO sessions
v Sign-off of LUTYPE6.1 sessions
v Sign-off of APPC sessions
v Sign-off for XRF tracking of the above
v Sign-off of the userid on attach requests (for all values of ATTACHSEC
except LOCAL).
This creates or deletes an ACEE in a single call. It is issued at the following
CICS control points:
v Signon, as an alternative to VERIFY, when an optimized signon is performed
for subsequent signons across an LU6.2 link with ATTACHSEC(VERIFY).
796 Customization Guide