Chapter 29. Writing statistics collection and analysis
This chapter describes how you can customize the collection and analysis of CICS
statistics. It is divided into the following sections:
1. “Writing a program to collect CICS statistics” describes how user programs can
use EXEC CICS commands to collect statistics and reset statistics counters.
2. “CICS statistics record format” on page 771 describes the format of CICS
statistics SMF type 110 records. You need this information if you write your own
statistics analysis program.
3. “Using an XSTOUT global user exit program to filter statistics records” on page
776 suggests how you can use the global user exit in the CICS statistics
4. “Processing the output from CICS statistics” on page 777 lists the methods of
processing statistics data.
Writing a program to collect CICS statistics
Background information
CICS statistics contain information about the CICS system as a whole—for
example, its performance and usage of resources. Statistics data is therefore useful
both for performance tuning and for capacity planning.
Statistics are collected during CICS online processing for later offline analysis. The
statistics domain writes statistics records to a System Management Facility (SMF)
data set. The records are of SMF type 110, subtype 0002.
Note: Monitoring records, and statistics records produced by the temporary storage
shared-queue server, are also written to the SMF data set as type 110
records. (Some journaling type 110 records can be written there, too.) You
might find it useful to process the statistics records and the monitoring
records together, because statistics provide resource and system information
that is complementary to the transaction data produced by CICS monitoring.
Statistics records are also written by:
v Temporary storage (TS) data sharing pool server regions. These records are of
SMF type 110, subtype 0003.
v Coupling facility data table (CFDT) server regions. These records are of SMF
type 110, subtype 0004.
v Named counter sequence number server regions. These records are of SMF
type 110, subtype 0005.
CICS produces five types of statistics: interval, end-of-day, requested, requested
reset, and unsolicited.
For detailed information about the types of CICS statistics, when they are collected,
and how to control their collection, see Introduction to CICS statistics, in the CICS
Performance Guide.
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