control over their monitor mix environment.
It is important to note that the A-16R front panel has a switch that
selects whether the front panel buttons and knobs or the A-16CS
Control Surface will be used for editing. The Remote/Local switch
must be in the LOCAL position to use the front panel controls or to
send/receive MIDI SysEx data. The Remote/Local switch should be in
the REMOTE position when the A-16CS is being used.
Master Volume Control
When using an A-16CS Control Surface with an A-16R it is also
important to note that the position of the Master Volume knob on
the A-16R rack sets the total volume output for the unit. The Control
Surface simply offsets that master volume setting, allowing for precise
system gain setup.
Switching from remote to local control with the R
may cause an increase in the overall volume, since this removes the
A-16CS Control Surface from the signal path.