The A-16R can send its Presets to another device via system exclusive
(sometimes referred to as SysEx) commands. MIDI is used to save
banks of sixteen User Presets as a single file to a remote storage device
such as a computer running MIDI sequencer software. Once stored in
a remote device, the user’s mix Presets can be reloaded into any A-16R
that is connected via MIDI.
The MIDI Preset storage feature makes recalling setups for studios,
theatres, and touring professionals fast and easy.
There are three MIDI jacks found on the rear panel of the A-16R,
labelled In, Out, and Thru.
• MIDI Out is used to send Preset data from your A-16R
to another device capable of recording and storing the
sysex data.
• MIDI In is used to control the A-16R mix parameters,
or to send recorded SysEx messages from a storage
device back into the A-16R
• MIDI Thru can be used to daisy-chain MIDI devices.
The Thru jack carries a copy of the data appearing at
the A-16R MIDI In port.
A-Net In and Out