Aviom A-16R and A-16CS User Guide
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Group Solo Mute
In Recall Mode
All Volumes
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The default position for the BASS and TREBLE knobs is at 12 o’clock.
To add more low frequencies to your monitor mix, turn the B
knob to the right of the 12 o’clock position. To remove lows, turn the
knob counterclockwise past the center. To change the high-frequency
content, follow the same procedure; turn the T
REBLE knob right to add
highs, turn left to diminish them.
The B
ASS and TREBLE knobs on the A-16CS send control data to the
host A-16R rack.
Master Volume
The overall system volume is controlled by the MASTER volume
control. Turn it counterclockwise for a full off setting. As a general
suggestion, start with the Master volume knob at a low setting, and
raise the volume slowly from that point to a comfortable level.
Note: Always use caution when adjusting any audio system
component to avoid potential hearing damage.
The A-16R volume control is a true Master volume control, even when
the A-16CS Control Surface is connected. Incoming volume messages
from the A-16CS Control Surface are scaled by the A-16R front panel
volume control.
The A-16R’s front panel volume control is active at all times,
regardless of the position of the R
EMOTE/LOCAL switch. The Master
Volume knob provides overall volume adjustments of the main mix
level without having to switch to L
OCAL mode on the front panel of the
This feature allows an engineer to set the maximum safe volume level
at the A-16R and know that the user with the A-16CS Control Surface
will never be able to exceed that amount.
Note that switching from remote to local control with the R
OCAL switch may cause an increase in the overall volume, since this
removes the A-16CS Control Surface from the signal path.