PROG P5: EG/LFO/MSEQ 5–6: MSEQ1, 5–7: MSEQ2, 5–8: MSESQ3
Run Mode [One Shot, Loop]
Specifies the loop setting for playback.
One Shot: The sequence will play for only one cycle, and
will maintain the value of the last step.
Loop: The sequence will play as a loop, using the sequence
type specified by Seq Type.
Key Sync. [Off, 1st Note, Each Note]
Specifies how the sequence will be reset when note-on
occurs (i.e., when a key is played).
Off: The sequence will not be reset when note-on occurs.
1st Note: The sequence will be reset only by the first note-on
that occurs from a state in which no keys are being played.
Each Note: The sequence will be reset by each note-on.
Note: When using the KARMA function to play a phrase, we
recommend that you select Off or 1st Note. If you select
Each Note, each note generated by the KARMA function
will reset the sequence, and you may not obtain the desired
effect. If you select 1st Note, the sequence will be reset each
time you play the keyboard, and the sequence will be
synchronized to the phrase generated by the KARMA
function. In this case, if the phrase generated by the
KARMA function consists of notes or is a phrase of non-
overlapping single notes, or if Thru In Z (Program 7-1-1) is
Off and notes are not being input from the keyboard, each
note will cause a reset with the 1st Note setting, so there will
be no modulation sequence effect. Thus, you should use the
Off setting (see the illustration below).
Resolution [ 3…]
Specifies the playback speed of the sequence relative to the
tempo (MIDI clock). The sequence will advance by one step
for each note value you specify here, relative to the tempo.
For example if you set this to , the sequence will advance
one step for each quarter note.
5–6(7)(8)b: SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3
Destination Param (Destination Parameter)
[None, Pitch…Patch8 Int.]
Selects the modulation sequence destination parameter.
None: The modulation sequence will do nothing.
Pitch: The modulation sequence will modify the overall
pitch of the sounding oscillators over a range of ±24
Other: The modulation sequence will modify the parameter
assigned to a specific panel knob over a range of ±63 (±24 for
OSC2 Sem).
Note: If you’ve specified the same parameter for more than
one sequence, the setting of the higher-numbered sequence
will be used, in the order of SEQ 3, SEQ 2, and SEQ 1.
Motion [Smooth, Step]
Specifies how the recorded values will change when the
sequence is played
Smooth: The change will be continuous, with the values
recorded at each step connected by straight lines.
Note: If you set Destination Param to OSC1Ctrl2 (OSC1
Control 2) when OSC1 Waveform is set to DWGS, the
operation will be the same as Step even if this parameter is
set to Smooth.
Step: The value recorded at each step will be held until the
next step plays.
Step Value [–24…+24, –63…+63]
Specifies the value of the parameter that is assigned to the
modulation sequence in each steps
The value specified here will be an offset applied to the
current value of the parameter that is assigned to the
modulation sequence. For example if the current value is
+10, and the sequence data contains +10, +10, +20… starting
at step 1, the resulting value of the parameter will change as
+20, +20, +30… when playback begins.
▼5–6, 7, 8: Menu Command
• Initialize MOD SEQ ☞p.45
• Copy MOD SEQ ☞p.46
2345678910 11 12
KARMA performance
example 2
KARMA performance
example 1
Note #1
Note #2
Note #3
Note #2
Note #1
Key Sync = Each Note
Key Sync = 1st Note
Key Sync = 1st Note
Note #3
234567891011 12 13 14 15
2345678910 11 12 13 14 15 16