SEQ P1: DT/X–Y/Ctrls Tone Adjust
KARMA: Use the sliders and switches to control the
KARMA function.
You can freely change back and forth between the different
functions, without losing any of your edits.
Tone Adjust
0–2–8f: Tone Adjust
For details on the Tone Adjust function, refer to “M3
parameter guide.”
Common Tone Adjust Parameters
These are the same as the Common Tone Adjust Parameters
in Program mode.
For more information, please see “Common Tone Adjust
Parameters” on page 22.
RADIAS Tone Adjust Parameters
These are the same as the RADIAS Tone Adjust Parameters
in Program mode.
For more information, please see “RADIAS Tone Adjust
Parameters” on page 23.
SEQ P1: DT/X–Y/Ctrls
Here you can select a pattern for the drum track and make
settings for it, as well as make settings for X-Y control and
pads 1–8.
For details on the available parameters and menu
commands, please see “SEQ P1: DT/XY/Ctrls” on page 215
of the M3 parameter guide.