Digital X Bus
• The CLEAR button [45] blinks whenever a
channel is soloed. Press the CLEAR button to
clear all soloed channels. This is particularly
useful when working with solos across multiple
fader banks.
• Adjust the solo signal level with the knob [46]
in the Solo section.
The row of buttons just above the Transport
section is called Macros [47]. It consists of eight
buttons labeled 1-8 and a SHIFT button.
• The Macros buttons provide instant access
16 frequently used windows or functions
(Buttons 1-8 and SHIFT+ Buttons1-8).
• Defi ne the window or function executed by each
button in the Macros Setup window (Windows >
Setup > Macros).
Transport Section
This section provides control for external recorder
transports, time display, snapshots, locates, and
48. Number buttons 0-9
• Used to numerically enter Snapshot, Locate,
and Loop points.
• When numeric buttons are used to enter data,
you must press ENTER to complete the action.
49. ENTER button
• Initiates numeric changes that have been typed
into the Recall Snapshot or Recall Locate win-
• Press this button to move the timeline cursor in
the Mix Editor and the position display to the
Edit In point.
51. END
• Press this button to move the timeline cursor in
the Mix Editor and the position display to the
Edit Out point.
• Click Talk to Phones 1 to send the talkback sig-
nal to the Phones 1 output, and Talk to Phones
to send the talkback signal to the Phones 2
• Adjust the talkback signal level with the Level
slider in the Talkback Setup window.
• Press the TALK button [41] in Talkback sec-
tion to activate the Talkback function and send
the talkback signal to the selected headphone
Solo Section
The Solo Section lets you select the solo mode,
clear all soloed channels, and adjust the solo level.
• Press MIXDOWN [42] to activate mixdown
soloing. This interrupts the L-R mix output with
the signal from the soloed channels.
• Use this mode whenever
you want the soloed chan-
nels to be the complete
mix—a rhythm section is a
good example of this.
• Mixdown solo is post-DSP and post-fader.
• Press AFL [43] to monitor the post-fader signal
in the Control Room output. This is a stereo bus
(post-pan) so soloed channels are heard in their
correct pan position.
• Press PFL [44] to monitor the pre-fader signal
in the Control Room output. This is pre-pan as
well, so the fader and Pan controls have no ef-
fect in PFL solo.
Note: If the channel fader is set low (less than
unity gain), soloing the channel in PFL mode
could result in a startling increase in volume.
Be forewarned!
SHIFT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8