
Owner's Manual
Owner's Manual
When AutoPlay is selected, playback starts
automatically when you jump to a locate point.
This is handy when you are jumping from one
locate point to another, listening for something
in particular.
Meters Submenu
Show All Meters
Select this option to display all 94 meters (in-
cluding the L/R mix).
Touch the meter bridge in the display to toggle
between showing the 24 meters in the currently
selected bank and all meters.
The meters display the signal at the input, prior
to any controls on the Digital X Bus.
The meters display the signal just prior to the
fader, post- Digital Trim, EQ, Compressor, Gate,
and pre-fader insert.
The meters display the signal just after the
VU Meters Submenu
When VU Meters is selected, the meter bridge
in the display changes to an analog VU-style
When VU Meters is off, the meter bridge
changes to a vertical bar display.
Meter Reference Point
The next three options allow you to adjust resolu-
tion of the meter display. The higher the resolution,
the more detail you can see in the signal as it ap-
proaches 0 dBFS.
to 0 dB
The meters display the entire signal range from
no signal to 0 dBFS.
–24 dB to 0 dB
The meters display the signal from 24 dBFS to
0 dBFS.
–12 dB to 0 dB
The meters display the signal from 12 dBFS to
0 dBFS.
Dynamics Submenu
These three options allow you to change what is
being displayed in the VU meter in the dynamics
section of the channel strip. These options have no
effect on the meter bridge at the top of the screen.
Displays the signal level at the input to the
Displays the amount of gain reduction being
applied to the signal by the compressor. With
no compression, the meter indicates fully right.
As gain reduction is applied to the signal, the
meter moves to the left to indicate the amount
of gain reduction in real time.
Displays the signal level at the output of the
compressor, after compression and makeup gain
has been applied.
Peak Hold
When Peak Hold is selected, a thin bar appears
in the meter bridge display to indicate the level
of recent transient peaks in the signal. The
Peak Hold bar has a slower decay rate than the
normal response of the signal meter.
Peak Hold does not affect the meters when in
VU mode.
Clear Overloads
If the metered signal reaches 0 dBFS, the clip
indicator at the top of the meter bridge blinks to
indicate that digital clipping has occurred.
The clip indicator continues to blink until you
manually clear it, either by selecting Clear
Overloads in the Options < Meters Submenu,
or selecting Clear Overloads in the Windows <
Setup < Mix Options window.
DAW Emulation Mode Submenu
Use the DAW Emulation Mode submenu to select
a third-party DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
software for controlling with the MIDI bank of
the Digital X Bus. Since the Digital X Bus has 24
faders, when using the Mackie Control emulation
mode, it works like a Mackie Control Universal with
two eight-channel expanders.
One of the following DAW software applications
can be selected in the DAW Emulation Mode drop-
down box in the MIDI bank (see next page):