Digital X Bus
• Choose the type of parameter from the top pull-
down box.
• Choose the action from Set, Trim, Min, and
Set moves the selected parameter setting to the
specifi ed value for all selected channels.
Trim adds or subtracts the specifi ed value from
the selected parameter for all selected channels.
Min limits the minimum value for the selected
parameter, and applies it to all selected channels.
Max limits the maximum value for the selected
parameter, and applies it to all selected channels.
Insert Global Time…
• With the Mix Editor open, this feature globally
inserts a region of no data change at the se-
lected start point (on all channels for all data).
• Selecting Insert Global Time in the Edit menu
opens a window with settings for the insert
start point and length of time inserted.
Delete Global Time…
• With the Mix Editor open, this feature globally
deletes a region of data change at the selected
start point (on all channels for all data).
• Selecting Delete Global Time in the Edit menu
opens a window with settings for the deletion
start point and length of time deleted.
Clear Automation
• Removes all automation data globally for the
selected channels and the selected categories.
• The Mix Editor window must be closed to use
the Clear Automation command.
• This action can be undone as long as it remains
in the History List.
• Plug-in automation is cleared by removing the
plug-in from the Effects Rack (Ctrl+8).
History List (Ctrl+H)
• The History List window lists actions taken in
the Mix Editor. In addition, Automation Passes,
Clear Automation, Delete Global Time, Insert
Global Time, Delete Events, and Modify Levels
commands are logged as single list items. Each
of these actions is available for Undo, as long as
they remain on the History List.