Preset Dynamics Program Settings 179
01V—Owner’s Manual
17 E.B.Slap COMP
Threshold (dB) –12
Compressor program to level the
attack and volume level of a slap
electric bass guitar.
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 6
Out gain (dB) 4.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 133
18 Syn.Bass COMP
Threshold (dB) –10
Compressor program to control
or emphasize the level of a synth
Ratio ( :1) 3.5
Attack (ms) 9
Out gain (dB) 3.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 250
19 Piano1 COMP
Threshold (dB) –9
Compressor program to brighten
the tonal color of a piano.
Ratio ( :1) 2.5
Attack (ms) 17
Out gain (dB) 1.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 238
20 Piano2 COMP
Threshold (dB) –18
A variation on program 19, using
a deep threshold to change the
entire attack and level.
Ratio ( :1) 3.5
Attack (ms) 7
Out gain (dB) 6.0
Knee 2
Release (ms) 174
21 E.Guitar COMP
Threshold (dB) –8
Compressor program for electric
guitar cutting and arpeg-
gio-style backing performance.
The sound color can be varied
using different playing styles.
Ratio ( :1) 3.5
Attack (ms) 7
Out gain (dB) 2.5
Knee 4
Release (ms) 261
22 A.Guitar COMP
Threshold (dB) –10
Compressor program for acous-
tic guitar stroke and arpeg-
gio-style backing performance.
Ratio ( :1) 2.5
Attack (ms) 5
Out gain (dB) 1.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 238
23 Strings1 COMP
Threshold (dB) –11
Compressor program for strings.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 33
Out gain (dB) 1.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 749
24 Strings2 COMP
Threshold (dB) –12
A variation on program 23,
intended for violas or cellos.
Ratio ( :1) 1.5
Attack (ms) 93
Out gain (dB) 1.5
Knee 4
Release (ms) 1.35 S
# Title Type Parameter Value Description