234 Chapter 17—MIDI
01V—Owner’s Manual
Local Control
The MIDI Local Control function can be used to control a remote 01V. Normally, the
01V controls (faders, buttons, rotary controls, and display pages) set the 01V’s internal
parameters. When Local Control is turned off, the internal parameters remain the same
when controls are operated but the System Exclusive Parameter Change messages that
the 01V tramsits can be used to control a remote 01V. Controllable parameters include
all those that can be stored in mix scenes and the solo and monitor setings. When Local
Control is turned off, the parameter values displayed on the local 01V are in fact those
of the remote 01V. In addition, the meters on the local 01V display the signals levels of
the remote 01V. This is useful when two 01Vs are cascaded together. See “Cascading
01Vs” on page 214 for more information.
1. Use the [MIDI] button to locate MIDI page 5, as shown below.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select the LOCAL CONTROL switch, and then
press the [ENTER] button.
Local Control is turned off and MIDI page 5 appears, as shown below.
While Local Control is turned off, the function area of the display
appears highlighted, as shown here, serving as a reminder that Local
Control is off.
The TRANSMIT and REQUEST functions are used to match local and
remote settings when 01Vs are first connected. The TRANSMIT func-
tion transmits the local 01V CONTROLLER settings to the remote 01V. The REQUEST
function requests the parameter settings of the remote 01V and sets the local 01V CON-
TROLLER accordingly. The internal parameters of the local 01V are unaffected by
either function.
For scene memories, the local 01V stores and recalls its own parameter settings regard-
less of the Local Control function.
Be aware that when Local Control is being used to control a remote 01V (i.e., Local
Control is off on the local 01V), remote control may be disrupted temporarily due to
wordclock abnormalities on the local 01V. Also, if parameters are adjusted directly on
the remote 01V, the meters on the local 01V may not display levels correctly.
Local Control cannot be turned off while a mix-scene crossfade is in progress (Fade
Time), and a warning message appears if you try to do so. Local Control can, however,
be turned on while a mix-scene fade is in progress.