
Table 85 Enter view of specified Ethernet interface
2 Set network protocol address
The 3Com Router supports IP and IPX at Ethernet interface. Therefore, it is
necessary to configure IP or IPX network address.
Please use the following commands in Ethernet interface view.
Table 86 Set IP address
When an Ethernet interface is configured with two or more IP addresses, use
keyword "sub" to identify them.
Please use the ipx enable command in system view, and use the ipx network in
Ethernet interface view.
Table 87 Set IPX address
3 Set frame format of sending message
Both Ethernet_II and Ethernet_SNAP can support IP and IPX. The Ethernet
interface can identify these two formats out of received frame, but can only
choose one frame format for the sent frame.
Please use the following commands in Ethernet interface view.
Table 88 Set frame format of sending message
The frame format of sending message is Ethernet_II by default.
4 Set MTU
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) will influence the fragmentation and
reassembling of network message.
Please use the following commands in Ethernet interface view.
Table 89 Set MTU
Operation Command
Enter view of specified Ethernet interface interface ethernet number
Operation Command
Set IP address ip address ip-address ip-mask [ sub ]
Cancel IP address undo ip address ip-address ip-mask [
sub ]
Operation Command
Specify IPX network node value ipx enable [ node node ]
Delete IPX network node value. undo ipx enable
Specify IPX network number ipx network network-number
Delete IPX network number undo ipx network
Operation Command
Set frame format of sending message send-frame-type { ethernet_ii |
ethernet_snap }
Recover default frame format of sending
undo send-frame-type
Operation Command
Set MTU mtu size