
Configuring Congestion Management 689
queue-length is the queues lengths of the 4 priority levels. They range 1 to 1024
The default length of each priority queue is shown in the following table:
Table 727 Default Length Value of the Priority Queue
Displaying and debugging the priority queue
Table 728 Display and Debug the Priority Queue
Configuring Custom
Queuing (CQ)
Custom queuing configuration includes:
Configuring custom-list queuing
Applying the custom-list queuing group to the interface
Configuring the queue length of the custom-list queuing
Configuring the number of the continuously transmitted bytes of the custom
Displaying and debugging the custom-list queue
Configuring custom-list queuing
Custom queuing includes up to 16 groups (the value range of cql-index is 1 to 16),
each of which specifies which types of data packets are input to each queue, the
lengths of various queues, and the number of bytes that can be continuously
transmitted by polling every queue. Every time the packets are transmitted, the
packets in queues 1 to 16 are transmitted sequentially, and the number of the
transmitted bytes for every transmission is not less than the number of the
specified bytes in this queue, until this queue is empty.
Multiple custom queues can be configured, and the data packet will be matched
by the system according to the specified sequence order in the policy list. If it is
found that the data packet is matched with a policy, the entire searching process
comes to an end.
The custom queue may be configured according to the following methods:
Configure the queue length of the
priority-list queuing
qos pql pql-index queue { top |
middle | normal | bottom }
queue-length queue-length
Recover the default value of the priority
queue length
undo qos pql pql-index queue { top |
middle | normal | bottom }
Queue Length
top 20
middle 40
normal 60
bottom 80
Operation Command
Display the priority queue configuration
conditions and statistic information of the
display qos pql [ interface type
number ]
Display the content of the priority list display qos pql